Saturday, March 16, 2019

dreams for the future

When I founded Sent from Heaven about 2.5 years ago, I really wasn't sure what would happen. Up to this point, we have created nearly 70 care packages! They were all FREE, too! I have been trying to expand our reach by getting in touch with churches and hospitals. Sometimes this has been profitable, but often it has not. But I think there are other ways to expand our reach, so here are some dreams for the future:
  • Hire a social media guru (an intern or volunteer would be great!)
  • Create a board of directors that meets regularly and volunteers to help with what we're doing
  • Hold memorial services for families who have received baskets at least twice a year
  • Hold an annual couple's retreat for those who have lost a child
  • Learn more about the grieving process
  • Advocate for bereavement days at work after miscarriage
  • Open other Sent from Heaven chapters around the nation
Are you interested in any of this? Send me an email at

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